Ready to create an account with Watersavers? It’s quick and easy to setup a cash account at our stores.
Please fill out the form below if you are a contractor and want to apply for a Watersavers credit account. You can also pick up an application at any of our locations. If you are homeowner, you can still shop with us.
To complete this credit app, you will need your bank info, CA drivers license, and four trade references handy.
Note: You only have to fill out the third page of the form (California Resale Certificate) if you have a resale number.
Once your application is complete, there are three ways to send it in:
We look forward to receiving your application and working with you.
Fill out our contact form or give us a call. We’d be happy to answer any questions and talk to you about the benefits of being a contractor at Watersavers.