Free Contractor Trainings from Our Team

Ready to up your game on the latest industry techniques and services that Watersavers Irrigation has to offer? Are you wanting to grow your skill set to meet more of your clients’ needs? Check out our free contractor trainings on artificial turf and landscape lighting. We also offer contractor trainings on how to use our online store. You can contact your local sales rep with questions. Take a peek at the classes below.

Artificial Turf Installation Training

Our artificial turf division known as Watersavers Turf offers free artificial grass installation classes for contractors. This is a great opportunity to learn how to increase your profits by learning a new skill. If you are part of a large company, we can hold a group artificial turf installation class at your office in either English or Spanish. You can call or email our turf team directly to sign up or read more about it on their installation class page.

Landscape Lighting Training

Landscape lighting can quickly transform an outdoor space. If you have a large project, need help with layout and design, or would like to do a demo (with your client) at a job site, feel free to contact us through our contact form. We are also offering outdoor lighting trainings at 3 of our locations (Petaluma, Livermore, and San Jose) this year. More information can be found at our branches.

Online Shopping Training Request

Our sales reps would love to show you how to use our online store and answer any questions. Contact our team by emailing us below. We will gladly walk you through it and explain the advantages of our online shopping storefront. Not only can you get free 4 hour local delivery with your order, you can access your special pricing, view available inventory, and create shopping lists all in one place.