Sod products

Buy Sod Products from Watersavers

Watersavers Irrigation, Inc. sells the highest quality sod and seed from Delta Bluegrass Company, Greenfields Turf, and A-G Sod Farms. Choose from a range of options to meet your needs from drought and heat resistance to shade resistance to wear and tear recovery. Traditional sod provides natural beauty to your projects as well as excellent erosion control. When compared to seeding, Watersavers Irrigations’ sod is a time-saving solution.

Why should you buy sod?

First of all, it’s easy to work with and quick to install. Sod is a fully mature plant, so you no longer need to wait many months for your lawn to grow. It also requires less attention than seed and can be installed at almost any time in the year. In contrast, seed has a lower initial cost than sod and comes in more varieties.

In addition, traditional sod reduces heat, leaving gardens 30 degrees cooler than asphalt and 15 degrees cooler than bare soil. Other benefits of sod include: dust, dirt, and noise filtration, elimination of mud from landscape projects, and added value to the property. Lastly, you’re helping keep the air clean and fresh by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.

Head on over to one of our Bay Area locations to buy sod or seed after talking to one of our experts. If you’d like to learn more about some of the other products we carry, please visit our Products page.

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