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How to Earn More with Landscape Lighting

October 1, 2021

Landscape lighting installation is a great add on service to offer your clients. In addition to informing them about the benefits of outdoor lighting, here are some tips to make your next lighting pitch a success.

Focus on the Customer’s Needs First, Then the Sale

Let’s be honest – most people don’t enjoy being sold to, but they really like talking about their needs. Listen to your customer’s needs and focus on the outcome of the project. If you can give them a customized solution, you’ll have much more success closing the deal.

Know Your Products and the Value of Your Service

At Watersavers, we’re proud to carry lights from the top vendors in the industry. There are benefits to all of them and some may fit your customers’ needs better than others. Talk to our branch staff to become more informed.

When cost is a concern, mention the value of your professional service and possibly splitting up the project into two sections so you can do one part of the yard now and another later. Once your customers see the beauty and security that landscape lighting can bring to their home, they will be open to installing more lights and not be as focused on cost.

Guide Your Customer Through Their Lighting Options

In addition to knowing the benefits of each product, it’s helpful to suggest “good,” “better,” and “best” options to your customers. You don’t need to explain every feature, but just the relevant ones to help them make a decision. Creating a clear decision path for your customer helps you make the sale.

Landscape lighting installation is an easy way to add value to a customer’s property. It’s also a great way to earn more money on your current and future projects.

Win with Alliance Outdoor Lighting

There’s still one more month left to enter our awesome in-store giveaway with Alliance Outdoor Lighting! The first fifty customers to purchase a total of 50 Alliance bluetooth fixtures at any Watersavers branch from September to October 2021 will win free bluetooth AirPods. Head to one of our branch locations for more details.